Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let me tell you a story...

An INCEPTION review in gifs-

On Tuesday evening, I went to the cinema with some friends. I hadn't been to the cinema since Avatar in February so I was partying like at the prospect.

Can you guess what film we were going to watch? Yep the one starring

No, wait, before you start worrying: there are no Inception spoilers in this post. Alright, you fools that have not yet watched Inception, you are safe, you may read this wonderful review and rejoice

So we were sitting in the screening, waiting for Inception to begin, watching the trailers. They were all Action film trailers, so I was like

Then a new trailer began, starting with a shot of the countryside, and I was still like

However I soon realised that this trailer was for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows so I was like

Anyway. So Inception began, and we saw LeoDiCap, but we were upset

over the fact that he had lost his youthful good looks.

The film really confused us in the beginning like
But we slowly began to follow what Nolan was telling us. And - thankfully - some hotties like

came onto the screen, so we were basically permanently perving at the screen
Oh sorry, let's get back to reviewing Inception. Well there was acting that made me Jear- oh sorry I mean tear up

There were some badass scenes with badass fighting

and a plot, sub-plots, and concept that really deserved some
There were moments when I had massive dawning realisations
and thought I'd gotten the hang of the film..

but then the film was like
'You ain't got nothin sista'....

There were a couple of predictable parts so I was like
and the ending of the film left me like
but overall, 'Inception' made me think
so I say 'Good job Nolan'
But what I'd really like to do is
hug Nolan to thank him for entertaining me and giving me things to scratch my brain about and blessing us with such a great, emotional, deep, clever film.

(Relevant gif)

Phwoar, that was harder than I expected. But in all seriousness, 'Inception' is a mindblowing film that deserves at least one cinema viewing from everybody. Resist at your own peril. It's like the second 'Dark Knight' though, everybody's banging on about it, soon there will be a tide of people calling it overrated. But 'Inception' is incredible. Go. Now.

Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup 2010 in South Africa

Bonjour mes amis!

I'm back, and for one reason: 

The World Cup 2010. 

Yeah, I'm a girl and I care about the football World Cup.

I warn you: I will scream in joy, shock, fear throughout the tournament, will cry (uh-huh, I care that much), will sulk, will laugh and jeer, and will quite possibly be rude. So please, bear with me during this period.

..Do you even need to ask who I'll be supporting?

There is no doubt in me that World cup '98 was my favourite. At the time, I still lived in Paris, which was where the tournament was held. The atmosphere was incredible, my parents were actually so keen about football which was a first, and I chanted for the Blues practically every day, even when they weren't playing. Such a good month of my life.

Back to 2010 - some of the internet logos out there in honour of the upcoming month:

The French Google.. yeah, they just had to be different

There are people who think that football is overrated, over-funded, boring, pointless... I can somewhat understand that. But there's something about this sport, more than any other sport, which seems to unite whole countries together, at least for an hour and half on the days they play, and that's what amazes me about football. Game of hearts, not of minds.

So I'll leave you with some of my favourite/most memorable moments and photos of international football. It's seeing things like these that makes me love football.

OK I'm a little biased, but what did you expect?


p.s. Check out this website for a beautiful calendar of the upcoming month.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Grégory Lemarchal: La Voix d'Un Ange

Three years ago today, I was sat in my dining-room minding my own business, when the newsreader on the French TV channel announced that the singer Grégory Lemarchal had passed away.

Deceased at the age of 24 - too young, yet older than had been predicted of him.  Yes, 20 months after his birth, he had been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, whose main symptom is difficult breathing. How ironic - and tragic - then, that he went on to enter the French music contest Star Academy 21 years later..and won.

Can you imagine? Being told that singing could be detrimental to your health, but still, decide to enter the contest and embark on a pursuit of a singing career? How brave, determined, and in love with singing you'd need to be. And the day your debut album got platinum-certified - what a gratifying, overjoying day, when you can finally be righteous in the knowledge that you've beaten your body to victory. But your days are counted.

I leave you with one of his performances from the show. This is 'S.O.S. d'un Terrien en Detresse' (effectively 'SOS from an Earthling in Distress'), originally by Daniel Balavoine. If you saw how much I bawled when listening to this song the days after his death... god you'd be disgusted.

And those, my friend, were the vocals of a cystic fibrosis sufferer for you.

R.I.P. Grégory Lemarchal 13.05.1983 - 30.04.2007

Sunday, March 14, 2010

PUSSY WAGON.. and if your son doesn't, I bet your daughter knows

On a side note, I've got a Reading Festival ticket for sale: would anyone like a Sunday ticket to Reading 2010? Acts playing include the mighty Blink-182, Paramore, Klaxons, The Drums who have been hotly tipped (listen to 'Best Friend'), You Me At Six, Weezer, All Time Low, FOALS, We Are Scientists, Cypress Hill, Band of Horses, Kele.. leave me a comment or Thanks :)


Ciggies on my glasses.. Passive smoking much?

Motherfucker, I'm trying to shoot a video STOP CALLING.

After weeks of waiting, and quite a few postponements, the 'Telephone' video was leaked on 11 March. The following morning at school, I managed to track down a non-YouTube version of it. MAN it was difficult to watch it in my school library, because all them raunchy bits meant that I had to minimise the browser quite a few times for fear of being accused of watching PORNtings on a school computer. Cause that's what the video's like - TOO MUCH NAKED GAGA.

Obvs, the video is not only naked GaGa (btw, her body is undeniably AMAZING in that video). The storyline is somewhat intriguing to follow, the outfits, a visual feast, the two divas' acting skillz (or, in Beyonce's case, god-awful lack of acting skills), hilarious. The video was different to what I'd been expecting, but it matched the standard that had been hinted at by everyone.

What I didn't like were the blatant and therefore very tacky plugs (of Virgin Media, a phone company, and an online dating site). That and the fact that it actually is a bit too long. I had thought that 10 minutes would be delightful to watch. However, though this is a great video for my favourite song from 'The Fame Monster', that excessive length and slightly convoluted feel does let it down a bit in my opinion.

Oh and there were some bits which just made downright L O L. Like the bit where Beyonce is in the bedroom and then she just starts bouncing!? I mean, what?! And the part at the end when they're dressed in long drapey.. things (the term escapes me), and they just look like witches and wave their arms in the camera's face. Whatever, I'm not complaining, it made me laugh... as Lady Gaga always does.

The PUSSY WAGON! (I.e. their ride, if you're thinking "WTF is she pussy-wagon-ing on about")

In other musical news – a midweek chart update has been launched on BBC Radio 1. Every Wednesday, Greg James will be looking at the charts as of that day. Exciting? Well it might shed light on the way people buy music – i.e. do people buy records just before Sunday to help them get to number 1? Do new albums/singles released on Mondays chart high early on in the week? ... I'm just being a geek now aren't I.

Speaking of charts, if you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I rooted for Tinie Tempah to get to number 1 on 7 March. (FYI on the last night of the February halfterm, while everybody was going mad with last-minute-homework-rush, I was seeing him live at Shepherd's Bush cause I am just that hardcore.)

Anyway, get to number 1 he bloody did (and on his first week of charting, might I add). WELL DONE TINIE (cause obviously he can hear me..)! You see? Underground artists can do it too! (...Oh my lord that was the most cringe thing that's left my mouth.)

Aite, they're not letting me embed it, so click here to watch the video - you're gonna have to get used to seeing his bootiful face in front of you in the coming year!


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

i'm the fury in your head, i'm the fury in your bed, i'm the ghost in the back of your head

I iz back. 4 lyk, 2 secs.

Aite, all chav tings aside, I have come on only to have a scream about the fact that the one and only, hugely talented Foals have returned. (Please don't get it wrong and call them THE Foals, I will burst your eardrums if you do).

I was listening to the new single on Radio 1 last night...but I didn't even realise I was listening to it. A bit before 8pm, I turned on the radio, and they were talking about the Foals record and I thought OH SHIT I forgot to tune in earlier. Then Zane Lowe said some stuff and I did not understand a word he said but thought I heard him saying that he was gonna play it again so I rushed to my hi-fi and pressed the Record button... when some song vaguely sounding like Foals came on. FYI it was the song blasting out of the player below, but I half-thought it wasn't by Foals. Goes to show how much they've changed.

Then again, it could just be this song. 'Spanish Sahara' is, apparently, not 100% representative of the rest of the album. But if the rest of the album is as phenomenal as this song then I think Foals fans are in for a treat. It's so good that Zane Lowe played it twice. You never play the same song twice on one radio show.

The only thing that has pissed me off since then was the fact that they're playing a London date smack bang in the middle of my exams. As are Lostprophs and Kids in Glass Houses. Oh and the fact that my English oral didn't go amazingly, but I've gotten over that. Almost. So that is all. Make sure your speakers are on full volume and enjoy your 6 minutes of musical genius and heaven!

I only put the BBC player on here at first but then came across the video so I've given you that as well. But listen to the BBC player anyway to hear Yannis' interview. It's about 7 minutes in. (..Love him!)

On a side note, I've got a Reading Festival ticket for sale: would anyone like a Sunday ticket to Reading 2010? Acts playing include the mighty Blink-182, Paramore, Klaxons, The Drums who have been hotly tipped (listen to 'Best Friend'), You Me At Six, Weezer, All Time Low, FOALS, We Are Scientists, Cypress Hill, Band of Horses, Kele.. leave me a comment or Thanks :)


Thursday, January 21, 2010

strictly blogging

Hmm, I've spent far too much time on this ting (because I am just that sad and have no life) and – dare I say – so much time that my education has suffered (although, I am grateful because regular blogging has helped develop my writing skills and my own sense of self, both of which you could argue are sort of educational). And, I've got to the point where I see/say/do/hear something and think 'Huh, that's interesting, hmm, y'know what – I'll put it in my blog, CAUSE CLEARLY I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO'. Which means that my answer to the ultimate philosophical question 'What is the point of my existence?' is now 'So that I can blog about it'. Or, as a website my friend found would say: 'I blog therefore I am.'

Plus, I was reading some old posts, and it's official: I am BORING(-er) now. My old posts were actually vaguely entertaining (Exhibit A – read this from a post written in November: “Ok how many of my recent posts have been about school?! The most frequent post tag is 'school'. Oh I am just so cool. That rhymes. (Haha, that just reminds me - we're currently studying Hamlet in English, and in our lesson yesterday, the teacher asked 'who's in the mood to read Gertrude?' There was a ten-second pause, then I said aloud 'that rhymes'. Oh lord, what's wrong with me?)” lmao, I crack myself up. Or rather, cracked.). Now I just whine and mope about... I don't even know. I don't write like myself anymore. I've lost all traces of flair and am currently the-blogger-who-blogs-in-this-certain-way-because-she's-an-idiot-and-has-failed-to-free-herself-of-the-shackles-of –...never mind. ('society')

Lastly, I'm disliking the way some really bellend, underhand dissing is being thrown around. a) If you wanna diss, do it properly, b) the only reason I took up blogging again was because it was a way for me to let out that inner me that I wanted people to see – it's not a competition and I don't want it to become one either. So all of the above, in five words: blogging is no fun now.

For all these reasons, I am going to go on a blogging hiatus. Sort of.

I've been toying with the idea of hiatus-ing for a while, but I had a few posts I wanted to put out, so I had to delay the moment. Some breathing space will be good for me, for my studies, for my blogging content and tone and all that jazz, and to regain that ability to blog as and for myself. Do not despair, because there’s no way I’m doing zero blogging. I'm gonna do a weekly feature on music. Or maybe fortnightly. Monthly? Hum, maybs I won't bother at all, because I don't wanna be listening to music and only be thinking bout what I could write about it. I shall ruminate that thought inside the lump that sits inside my skull and is scientifically known as some-fancy-nancy-LATIN-name-I-don't-know, but we commoners know it as 'the brain'. And then I'll let ya know. What I do know is that I will have to be quite a lot stricter with myself about it. Well actually I think I'm addicted to the Internet in general so I'm gonna have to work on that.

So there you have it, goodbye (for now) to every-minute blogging... Don't hesitate to holler at me if you've got anything interesting to say here. I might set up an e-mail address via which you guys can send posts onto this blog.. I dunno. Everything's all very uncertain atm. Who knows – I'll probably be back before you know it..except I won't. I'M GONNA DO THIS.

Right, my plan of action: imma go wear all-black and curl up in a ball and put my hi-fi (I am so ancient I have a hi-fi and I admit it) on and play the emo-est music I can find on an audio cassette (that makes me even more ancient) in my humble abode (i.e. my shack) and think 'I. Hate. The. World. This. Pain. Is. Good.' (to any budding emo reading this: I love you really.)


p.s. Is it bad that all things mentioned in the last paragraph actually seem quite appealing at this point in time? Except I don't live in a shack.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

it's contagious, so catch it

I've clearly busted my 'only one blog post a week' rule I set for myself for the new year. Ahhhh well. What's much worse is the amount of Tweets I've been putting out. If I'm not mistaken, I tweeted twenty times on one day. And this is me, the person who, not so long ago, dubbed Twitter 'boring' because all you talk about on there are the trivialities of your everyday life. Well, on that crazy day when I tweeted twenty times: clearly I did twenty trivial things. Gahhhhhh anyone have good tips for cutting back on tweets?

'Liquid Confidence'

I downloaded and listened to a leak of You Me At Six' new album, 'Hold Me Down', before its release date of 11 Jan (thanks to LH, who sent me the link. Guess where - over Twitter, haha, my life is so going down the drain). Because of exams and the Busted post (see post below), I'm only putting this up now. If you're a YMAS fan and haven't yet listened to it (SHAME ON YOU), I'd advise you to avert your eyes for now, because I've found that my first opinions of a new album are always overshadowed by reviews I have read (then again that could just be my easily influenced self). Come back when you've heard it, anyways.

Despite the hype (built by YMAS themselves) surrounding the release of this album, I didn't find myself excited about it at all, and didn't expect much from it at all. I listened to the sneak preview of the album a few weeks ago and wasn't fussed, though I did like some bits in there. They say that if you have low expectations, you'll never be disappointed. Well then, either YMAS are in a league of 'crap' of their own, or that saying is fundamentally untrue. I am going with the latter.

Although the album retains YMAS 'essence', it does also sound different to 'Take Off Your Colours', their debut. With more instruments, it sounds 'fuller'... or maybe that's what they call 'noise'. And a heavier feel? Yeah, I'm listening to 'The Consequence' and it has some low guitar bits. Gah I'm amazing at describing music aren't I? I just listened to their interview on XFM with Iam Camfield and he described it as 'bigger', which is exactly what I think about it. Like, arena-big. (...I'm so eloquent)

I am tempted to say that most of the songs on the album all sound the same to me. And I would not be wrong. I've found loads of ritornello patterns being repeated across different songs, and by the fourth song I knew I could expect their typical loud-then suddenly quiet-then build up to loud again- sequence. A few of the songs they've put on there are average, like 'Safer to Hate Her' and 'Fireworks'. I wanna clarify that the album is not as appalling as I make it sound, but for me the album isn't one that hangs together tightly and takes me on a journey. In their interview with XFM, they said that when getting songs together, they could put different bits written by different members of the band into one song, because, for example, it would be in the same key. That kind songwriting process seems a bit disjointed to me, because the two components might be carrying very different emotions and so make up a song that is made up of two really good but really mismatching bits.

So what is it that still makes me listen to You Me At Six, you ask, if I find so many things wrong with them? Funnily enough, this album is what's reminded me of all the things I love about the band! You can expect to find heartfelt singing from Josh (the low bits, the quiet bits, and the lungs-y bits). Some great guitar rhythms and melodies scattered across all the songs too. I'd list examples for these, but I'd just give you almost the whole album.

That's it? Nice singing and interesting guitar playing?

'Contagious Chemistry'

Sometimes it doesn't take much for music to touch someone. What You Me At Six have got is energy, some emotional charge, and proof that they know what works well together. These are the things that tell me they're not to be written off any time soon. I have faith in them. They work really hard, appreciate their fans, and isn't just another pop/punk/rock band. They're in their own league, standing apart from anything from the US that comes onto this scene. Bring on 2010 for YMAS; let's hope they experiment some more and come into their own.

'Take Your Breath Away'


'There's No Such Thing As Accidental Infidelity (featuring Aled Phillips, from KIGH!)'


p.s. zomdizzles, I hear this You Me At Six album charted straight away at no.5 in its first week! Massive well done to them, it's quite a feat for a band like them!

p.p.s.: if you're a regular on this blog, you might wanna check back tomorrow for an announcement...

Monday, January 18, 2010

hot tips for oh-ten

Right, so here we are. New Year.. new music. I've always wanted to write do something like this, i.e. pretend I'm where it's at in terms of new music and that I have a megamagicalprophetic predictive mind. Anyways, 2009 was a great year for music (as DJ Earworm showed us with his mash-up. Ok, I'll stop banging about it), but I hope that 2010 is going to better it. With the new penchant for drum&bass and dubstep taking over the music scene, I'm interested to see what direction old bands have taken for their new albums. So here's my hot tips for 2010, as well as the people I'm itching to hear new things from.

HOT IN 2010
Let us start with those I'm not such a big fan of (but they're still good'uns, kind of)...

I liked their song 'Counterpoint' released (I think) last year, but they haven't convinced me yet with their new single, the name of which escapes me.

Also another one who hasn't convinced me.... 'I'm Not A Robot' was alright, 'Hollywood' I haven't given a fair listen to yet. So I'll keep you posted about how I feel. But yeah, I can tell she's gwan have a good year, and she was one of the names on the BBC Sound of 2010 Longlist.

Yeah, all the teenage fangirls are already screaming for him (I just accidentally wrote 'her' instead of him, thats how cutesy pie he is) and, I have to say, he deserves (some of) it! He has a great voice and the album 'My World' (hum. I *coughdownloadedcough* it) is quite well produced. Good pop/r'n'b shtuff. (Sounds a bit like Miley Cyrus... I can't wait for his voice to break.)

Justin Bieber – 'One Time'

This is not how I imagined him to look like...
With 'Fireflies' already sparking love-hate polarisation, and considering the previous album and EP have had some great stuff that new fans may latch onto, I can see OC breaking through in 2010. But I just think the songs are too similar, so I ain't too big on this guy.

Owl City – 'Cave In', probs my fave song on the album

'Hot Mess' is coming out (or has come out? If it hasn't come out, then the version I've got must be a leak..) this year, and they have a headline tour somewhere around the world. 'Good Girls Gone Bad' and Leighton Meester did much to raise this band's profile, so I can only see them getting bigger from here.

Cobra Starship – 'I Kissed A Boy'. From FOB's mixtape 'Welcome to the Administration'

And the following are:

Released 11/01, it sounds good to me already just on my first listen. They don't lose the sound that defines them (bouncy/cheery African-drum xylophoney feel-good tunes) but this one sounds a bit dreamier and carefree. Dare I say it's even outrageously easier to dance to than is their debut? Good work guys.

Vampire Weekend - 'California English'

Vampire Weekend - 'White Sky' - lovelovelovelovelovelove

I've only liked the Strokes for around two years but that 'like' has been of a very strong nature. And the stuff they've done solo (e.g. Julian C's collaboration with Pharrell Williams and Santogold on 'My Drive Thru', and Albert Hammond Jr.'s 'CfG') tell me that they haven't lost their musical streak. Look forward to it!

The Klaxons are amazing. I saw them twice in Year 10 and their album 'Myths of the Near Future' was quite something – sounds that nobody else have successfully reproduced. They've been quiet for three years so this is an album I can't wait to hear.

'Magick' ...Not exactly an unheard of song, but it needs to be heard some more.

ELLIE GOULDING – Album has been rumoured
Her two songs that I've heard – 'Starry Eyed' and 'Under the Sheets' – are great, and she knows quite a thing or two about making music. She's been tipped by the likes of Huw Stephens – well actually she's been tipped by EVERYONE – and has been given advice by Florence Welch... from the songs that I've heard I know that she deserves the hype, and I like the sound that she's been making, so let's hope the album lives up to it all.

'Under the Sheets' – Ellie Goulding

Kids in Glass Houses are a band that I really, really like, because they're kind of emo, but really upbeat, feel-good emo that never fails to make me smile. The music they made was quite flawless and Aled Phillips' voice is phenomenal. DIRT is out in March.

'Hunt The Haunted' – Kids in Glass Houses

BLINK-182 - ?
THEIR SUMMER TOUR. I don't know if they're having a date in the UK, but they've been rumoured to be playing at Reading '10, so I'm banking on that cause I got ticketz to that already. There is a trace of scepticism in me that thinks they may not be able to make it considering the musical directions they've taken in their respective bands (especially Tom Delonge whose Angels&Airwaves aspired to music that would 'make people want to fly'). However, I have total faith in them!

Radio:Active wasn't exactly their best, so please please please bring out something along the lines of 'Wonderland' (though I doubt that'll happen).

Freaking flawless post-punk heaven. But wishful thinking on my part, I think.


I'm not excited about their new album as I should be, cause I love them really. Hopefully they're gonna come out with a new sound, cause I am a bit sick of that debut atm.

A very able (French, might I add!) duo who have been compared to Daft Punk and even rumoured to be the people under the DP helmets. Their work is always musically great.

These guys are dickheads (if you've seen their Nokia Green Room with Basshunter, you might have caught the dickhead vibe) but their tunes are great. I hope they've evolved somewhat and have become a lil bit more professional.

Heyyyyyy YA. Nuff said.

I know I've banged on about them on Tumblr and Facebook, but I just had to put them here. Stefan Abingdon (lead singer, if you call it singing) was tipped back in... by the BBC as a rising rap star. In 2008, I heard the Clik Clik, which he was in. Then in 2009 I saw this band's parody of Tik Tok, and have since discovered that in between TCC and MB he was in Perfect People. He just doesn't stop does he. Anywho the parodies they've done are hilarious, but I wanna see what they'd make of producing their own original music – though I doubt they're actually gonna come out with any solid record.

(Watch it in HQ otherwise it doesn't work) 'Down (jay Sean Parody)' – Midnight Beast

FOALS – An album has been rumoured
Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease give us an album. 'Antidotes' was musical genius.

And finally,


...I wish.

*Sniffles. *

I've said 'hope' a lot in this post, which suggests that music this year can't be all riff-raff. We're expecting bigger better new things from old friends. I've said 'please' a lot as well which means some people have been gone for far too long! Also, when are Justin Timberlake, Late of the Pier, Mark Ronson, The Wombats, hellogoodbye, Gwen Stefani, Does It Offend You, Yeah? all coming back?!

Who are you looking forward to seeing/hearing this year? If you've got any unheard-of underground artists that you LOVE, gimme a shout!
