Thursday, January 21, 2010

strictly blogging

Hmm, I've spent far too much time on this ting (because I am just that sad and have no life) and – dare I say – so much time that my education has suffered (although, I am grateful because regular blogging has helped develop my writing skills and my own sense of self, both of which you could argue are sort of educational). And, I've got to the point where I see/say/do/hear something and think 'Huh, that's interesting, hmm, y'know what – I'll put it in my blog, CAUSE CLEARLY I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO'. Which means that my answer to the ultimate philosophical question 'What is the point of my existence?' is now 'So that I can blog about it'. Or, as a website my friend found would say: 'I blog therefore I am.'

Plus, I was reading some old posts, and it's official: I am BORING(-er) now. My old posts were actually vaguely entertaining (Exhibit A – read this from a post written in November: “Ok how many of my recent posts have been about school?! The most frequent post tag is 'school'. Oh I am just so cool. That rhymes. (Haha, that just reminds me - we're currently studying Hamlet in English, and in our lesson yesterday, the teacher asked 'who's in the mood to read Gertrude?' There was a ten-second pause, then I said aloud 'that rhymes'. Oh lord, what's wrong with me?)” lmao, I crack myself up. Or rather, cracked.). Now I just whine and mope about... I don't even know. I don't write like myself anymore. I've lost all traces of flair and am currently the-blogger-who-blogs-in-this-certain-way-because-she's-an-idiot-and-has-failed-to-free-herself-of-the-shackles-of –...never mind. ('society')

Lastly, I'm disliking the way some really bellend, underhand dissing is being thrown around. a) If you wanna diss, do it properly, b) the only reason I took up blogging again was because it was a way for me to let out that inner me that I wanted people to see – it's not a competition and I don't want it to become one either. So all of the above, in five words: blogging is no fun now.

For all these reasons, I am going to go on a blogging hiatus. Sort of.

I've been toying with the idea of hiatus-ing for a while, but I had a few posts I wanted to put out, so I had to delay the moment. Some breathing space will be good for me, for my studies, for my blogging content and tone and all that jazz, and to regain that ability to blog as and for myself. Do not despair, because there’s no way I’m doing zero blogging. I'm gonna do a weekly feature on music. Or maybe fortnightly. Monthly? Hum, maybs I won't bother at all, because I don't wanna be listening to music and only be thinking bout what I could write about it. I shall ruminate that thought inside the lump that sits inside my skull and is scientifically known as some-fancy-nancy-LATIN-name-I-don't-know, but we commoners know it as 'the brain'. And then I'll let ya know. What I do know is that I will have to be quite a lot stricter with myself about it. Well actually I think I'm addicted to the Internet in general so I'm gonna have to work on that.

So there you have it, goodbye (for now) to every-minute blogging... Don't hesitate to holler at me if you've got anything interesting to say here. I might set up an e-mail address via which you guys can send posts onto this blog.. I dunno. Everything's all very uncertain atm. Who knows – I'll probably be back before you know it..except I won't. I'M GONNA DO THIS.

Right, my plan of action: imma go wear all-black and curl up in a ball and put my hi-fi (I am so ancient I have a hi-fi and I admit it) on and play the emo-est music I can find on an audio cassette (that makes me even more ancient) in my humble abode (i.e. my shack) and think 'I. Hate. The. World. This. Pain. Is. Good.' (to any budding emo reading this: I love you really.)


p.s. Is it bad that all things mentioned in the last paragraph actually seem quite appealing at this point in time? Except I don't live in a shack.

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