Monday, January 18, 2010

let's go back let's rewind to the days that remind of all the good times

Or rather, it's Charlie Simpson's eyebrows. Delightful.

This is my 50th blog post! For this milestone post I was going to put up my review of You Me At Six' new album Hold Me Down but then 14 January came along. Yep, Busted's deathniversary, didn't you know. What reminded me of this special occasion was Scott Mills' tweet about it (you see, Twitter comes in useful sometimes). Also very sad was Matt Willis' tweet about how he had dinner with James and reminisced about the good times. Sob. And Charlie wasn't there, the jerk. Because I wanted this Busted post to be the 50th post, I've had to delay a few other posts I'd had ready, so let's just get this thing rolling.

A friend got me this as a present... But I probs would have got it myself even if they hadn't.

I first discovered Busted in Year 5 or 6. Up to this point I'd been listening to S Club 7, Big Bruvaz, Justin Timberlake (not that that's a bad thing), and.. Girls Aloud? Imagine if I’d never heard Busted. I wouldn’t then have got into Mcfly, nor, then, into The Beatles, or Fall Out Boy, or Panic! at the Disco, or Paramore, or You Me At Six, or any emo shizz, or any of that indie rock shtuff, or my whole iPod library. Or 80% of it (yeah, I have some non-rock in there that’s taking up the other 20%). I’d have liked Busta Rhymes, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, and… I don’t know any more of those hardcore black dudes. Busted were my first men with guitars (as my friend GEM and I called our first boy bands). So thanks are in order – THANK YOU BUSTED FOR STOPPING ME FROM BECOMING ANUVVA GANGSTA WANNABE FROM DA HOOD INNIIIII.

Course, that’s not the only reason I like Busted. ‘A Present For Everyone’ is the best guitar pop album I know. I still remember the TV advert for it back in Christmas 2003. A woman asked her pre-pubescent daughter what she wanted for Christmas, and her daughter answered ‘A present for everyone’. Freeze screen. Ominous-TV-man-voice says something along the lines of ‘No, she’s not being ultra-generous. She wants the Busted album’.

That TV advert’s quite a clear sign of how big Busted had gotten in the UK mainstream scene. At some point it did annoy me a bit. They even had their own Christmas TV film on BBC or something, which was AWESOME – oh no, inner music snob is telling me to say it was an absolute piece of shit (but it was awesome really). Fame did get to their head a bit. Either they started to lose sight of the music, or their management was really zombie-ing them up into another mainstream robot band. So maybe it was a good thing that they split up when they split up. The only thing I really, really regret, is not having been able to see them live.

Their music is just the right mixture of dickhead, jokes, adolescent (which is basically dickhead), and emotional. I can listen to their tunes and laugh, reminisce, ponder, have a downward smile for a while, but will mostly think ILOVEBUSTEDILOVEBUSTEDILOVEBUSTED. They’re one of the bands whose music makes my brain go into overdrive with love for them. So that fateful 14 January 2005 really was a sad day for me. Or was it? I just remember being in a state of shock while watching them announce it at their press meeting and watching James and Matt all teary-red-eyed and hating Charlie Simpson with all my heart. My broken heart. Sob.

Busted, I'm 'Falling For You' everytime I hear you

Yep, one more thing I loved about Busted was Matt Willis. So fit. Well, he had some not-so-fit times, namely the phases of longer, slimy hair… but otherwise he was yummy. And then he got engaged to that Emma woman, and moved in next to a girl in my form! But anyway with his trousers hanging loosely off his bum, his grimaces in every single photo, and his crazy-coloured hair, this was not a crush my mum approved of, who glanced at my posters saying ‘euch, this is the kind of boy you’re into…’ I bet she had some bad boy crush when she was younger.

Matt Willis is my 'Britney'

Other faves:

When Day Turns Into Night

That Thing You Do

'Everything I Knew'



Half a calendar..



p.s. Yes I LOVE BUSTED, if you hadn't already noticed. To each their own: hate me for it as much as you want – I've been mocked so much I couldn't care any less now!

1 comment:

emily said...

Aww that soo sweet I'm tearing up:( and soooo true! Think I was about the same age when I discovered busted to and one of my biggest regrets is not going to see them live as well:/ glad to know I'm nt the only person who still obsessed wiv em<3 I jst keep hoping that their gunna gt bk together. Parents bit concerned that I haven't grown out of my crush on james but r glad its him n not sumone like Justin bieber like most of my other mates:) James Bourne lover for life <3 n Dougie's nice as well;) x