Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keeno for the kisses

Teenage boys these days. I was listening to Radio 1's Greg James, and they were on the phone to a guy who was probably around my age or younger.

He sounded preddy cut up about a girl. I didn't even understand the story. All that really surprised me is how much attention he paid to the bloody number of kisses this girl left at the end of her texts to him (three, i'll have you know). Then he said (so tearfully as well) that he saw three kisses at the end of her texts to her friends as well! I mean that's just blasphemy!

Here's the thing: he said he knew that girls have this 'girl code' about kisses in texts. I actually opened my mouth in horror - even wider than it already was when hearing that he actually paid attention to kisses - upon hearing that he analyses them according to the girl code... This world needs help. Even I don't look at the number of kisses I leave! I mean I always leave the same number, but not because I want it to mean anything! I sincerely hope nobody has analysed my x's, because I always leave 4 x's, which apparently is 'quite strong' (according to this dejected young dude).

So I did some research on the Internet about this. Here you go. I can't believe there are actually three threads relating to this, ON THE FIRST PAGE. Nor can I believe that I actually went on Men's Health to look into this damned issue...

And still I don't have an answer. Darn, I'll never know what it is that girl code obsessives think about my 4 x's.

xxxx (lol)

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