Monday, November 16, 2009


Right, so another rant about my school's blocking system.

I was on my account (which, by the way, you can find a link to on this page), and wanted to listen to Eminem's 'Business' on the website. Clicked on 'Business', and it went to this:


So I thought, hah, is it filtered because it's I'll try again..

Tried again. It came up again. Hmmmm... I google searched Eminem. Or attempted to, because as soon as I pressed the Enter button, that freakin filter message came up again! So it's Eminem they're against... If you look carefully at the filter message, you can work out why they've blocked it:

Freakin' intolerance list?! What the hell!!! WHY?!

Fine I can see why, but, erm, WHY?!

Kids at my school are well in touch with the world, thank you very much, so you filtering stuff is only gonna make them hungrier to find out more about the very things you don't want them to find out about. At home. Where (hopefully, otherwise I'm gon shank their parents too) there are no filters! Get a life.

Let me also say, after I uploaded the screenshots to my photobucket account, the pictures were white with a red cross, because surprise surprise, the file name contained eminem and therefore COULD NOT BE SHOWN. Funny how the screenshots are of school-produced messages, so strictly speaking, it's their own messages that they're filtering as 'intolerant'. Ha, the irony. (Aren't I funny)

Why do I spend my life ranting about stuff when I should be ENGLISH ESSAY-ING?!

Moving on.

Omg. Aside from being slightly freaked out by this, I am mainly very flattered! Observe:

If you can see (which you probably can't because for some reason Photobucket has decided to be anal and resize pictures so that they're tiny and unseeable, so that I've spent 10 minutes looking for a photo hosting service, which has been in vain since this picture is still unseeable) then you'll notice that my song of the week (STFUppercut by The Blackout) has been played 26 times, 10 of which have been in the United States, and once in Brazil, Russian Federation (what?!), Belarus, Ukraine, Spain, and the Netherlands. Omg. Firstly, since when is Russia called the Russian Federation?! Am I that out-of-date?! Secondly, wow. Never realised my blog had spread that far...

I couldn't look at my stats for 'Complicated Sex on Fire' because.. well, take a big fat guess (I'm at school right now). The Filter message that comes up is 'RM Pornography and Illegal or Age-Restricted Activity List' LOL. Since there was a hyperlink, I followed it, only to find a million-page long ting about the filtering policy.

Back to the point, THANK YOU RANDOM BELARUSIAN (is that even a word) FOR VISITING MY PAGE!

Lastly, tell me to my face that you don't find this ridic:

Those are the Barbie/Ken/wtf dolls they've made?! I mean, Taylor is too ugly, Kristen is too pretty, and Rob Pattz is too fit. Totally the wrong way round!!! (Btw, I'm not saying that Edward Cullen is meant to be ugly. I'm saying RP is.)

I love how in the New Moon they've just made up the fact that Jacob prances around half-naked (except from this pic it looks more like a two-thirds naked) so as to give Taylor Laut an excuse to flash his Abercrombie abs. Yep, he modelled for Abs. OMG Abs abs. OK I'll shut up now.

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