Monday, January 04, 2010

First post of 2010

This post is gonna be slightly boring cause I'm doing the obligatory start-of-year 'what is this year gonna be about for me'. I've made a big deal about the end of 2009 and of the decade. That's because it's only just hit me how good these years have actually been. True, there have been really bad bits. But there's no point wallowing in dejection. It's the good bits that jump out at me... Just goes to show how little I appreciate when it's actually there in front of me, doesn't it.

I'm trying to start 2010 refreshed and psyched up, raring to go. It's a fat shame that my exam mocks are scheduled at the beginning of the year, which ruins the new year buzz slightly. Ok go away negative vibes. I LOVE NEW STARTS: 2010, HIT ME.

What I hope to get out of 2010? For things to work out well or at least happen, in terms of

- University/gap year shizz
- Career aspirations (possibly a law/journalism/radio/anything-in-the-music-industry internship)
- The IB. Hopefully I'mmer get my act sorted and focus.
- Lurrrrve. Find a nice boy. If not then I can always hit the bottle. Joking. I'm officially on an alcohol hiatus until the next big thing, which is...probably tomorrow. Ok, again, joking. I'm serious this time. Oh, talk about the devil -
- Alcohol. Develop a healthier attitude towards it.
- The Classics Magazine. Yeah, I really am that much of a classics geek. Improve on the last issue, preferably putting out a BANGIN one, seeing as it'll be my last one.
- Music. Pick up the piano again, and learn to play the harmonica. And stretch my cultural horizons by being open to new genres. More live music!
- Friends. Cherish the ones I have. Reconnect, or get to know them.
- Oh my god how did I not think of this earlier – My body. Lose 15 kg. I'mmer say bye bye to all this podge and cellulite.

I've got more that I could add to this list but I think that's quite enough for you guys. It's the beginning of 2010, I won't bore you (I have the whole of 2010 to do that). What do I look forward to in 2010? Well seeing as I'm not really an early planner, the list for this is relatively short/vague.

- All the upcoming 18th fun fun. (JOKING.)
- Founder's Day.
- The end of the IB. FINALLY. May 2010.
- My four-month (?) summer holiday. Still have to plan that.
- Valedictory Service
- Canons Ball.
- Possibly throwing an end-of-exams party.
- (Hopefully) getting my IB Diploma.
- Reading '10. Camp Ting...IRIE IRIE IRIE.
- Starting university (if I get into one I like), or embarking on an adventure if I choose the gap year path

Clearly I don't plan ahead, at all. All these things are either related to end of exams/leaving school or they're Reading or 18th birthdays parties that haven't even been planned. Hmm, maybe that's a hint as to what 2010 is gonna be about?

Need I say it: Bring on 2010. I'm gonna rip this shit.


1 comment:

Mary said...

Lose weight with me? Though, ultimately, the efforts will prove futile (for me, at least), but it's still worth a try...