Friday, November 20, 2009

classics is my bluddy life

[written on Thursday 19 November 2009]:

I have neglected my blog for a few days for the only reason that this week has been very revealing for me. My mock interview, my Classics extension class, my interview practice – they've all told me I've a lot of work yet to do, and I need to invest a lot more of myself into it if I want to get rewards for it. More Classics: unseen translation, the Symposium, Classics Magazine contributor-searching. My life has truly been taken over by Classics, that dead subject that nobody in the real world actually cares about. Oh dear. At this rate, I'm truly on my way to becoming one of those snobby academics who have what none of us want: no life. (That's IF I get working.)

Anyway, I turned down a good friend's birthday dinner this week because of that (Classics, that is). Thanks to my mum, actually, whose guilt-tripping is very effective. I never thought I'd come to see the day that I thank my mum for her 'one reward for every drop of sweat' (charming, I know), but because I stayed in on that day (the day of my disastrous interview practice) I now understand what it is that I need to do.

I'm being really boring aren't I. Kids, that's what Classics does to you. Or at least, it's what your Classics HoD does to you when he makes you realise how little work you'd been doing and how much time you'd been spending on my blog, and, hence, how much more Classics-y you need to get. And that is the sad truth of life. I'm going to be really, really, un-funny if I get into Classics any further.

Ach, I'm so funny.

Ok that is not funny, I gotta stop saying that.

Anyway, I have now worked out my future career plan (the one that I'm aspiring to anyway). It's ambitious, it's heavy, but I wanna do it! And I probs won't reveal it just yet.



Mary said...

god i'm so keen, i'm commenting on a lot of your blog posts. go me.

I HATE CLASSICS TOO. that symposium was horrendous yesterday, i royally effed up the poem, in front of eeeeveryone (well, except davs, but whatever).

oh, and i changed my blog layout thing again, so it's just one of the standard ones... with a comment box! so now you can totally comment on my blog posts and not leave abusive messages on my facebook, such as:

Isabelle Cohen mary cheng firstly why the hell can we not comment on your blog?!
secondly, i like the new look (y)\
Tues at 18:45 · Comment · LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall

mhmm, yeah. i got rid of the chatbox thing cos i didn't like it. have a great classics-filled weekend x

ikp said...

lol mary you WERENT CRAP! have some self-belief (hmm why does that sound familiar)
haha :D xxxx