Sunday, December 27, 2009


‘Life In Technicolor’ - Coldplay

I heard this song – it's not really a song is it – at the end of 'Night at the Museum 2' and it made me smile, a lot. Thanks Coldplay : D. They make me cringe a bit, but ultimately I still quite like them.

Just cause this song also makes me smile every time.

(Btw, for effect, leave the 'Life in Technicolor' song playing while you read this post. Viva La Vida would do too.)

Life has thrown me quite some things this year, and it's been hard working out what to make of them. Smiles, frowns, screams of jubilation, giggles, tears, drunken shouting – I've tasted them all this year. What should we start with, the bad times? This is the year that Panic at the Disco split up, that David Tennant left Doctor Who, that Michael Jackson (and Brittany Murphy, among many others) died, that I tasted hangover at its worst, that I lost my glasses while jumping to Madina Lake (lame times, I know) at Reading, that I got the worst school report of my entire educational career EVUR, that I said the most obscene things to those who are dearest to me, that I (or someone else, cough*my mum*cough) broke countless numbers of headphones, that I shed tears for a boy, that I drifted from close friends, that I had to accept things about family, that I had to greatly recalculate my life plans.

Not-so-good-bits - character building, kiddo. Some of those bad bits might seem quite trivial to you. And yeah, it's true, some of those elements are much more serious than others, so serious that they alone are enough to last me a year. Arguments, criticism, bitchiness, breakdowns, stress, internal conflict.. This is the year I started to stop (unintentional oxymoron) looking to others for help in dealing with this shit, this is the year I stopped taking everybody's shit and realised that it's not always my problem, this is the year I gave less of a shit, (apparently this is the year I've taken up saying the word 'shit' three times in one sentence, too!).

Is there anything I regret in 2009? Perhaps all those embarrassing moments, most of which occurred during my booze-intoxicated times. And maybe also caring too much about things which were not worth nearly as much I put in them. Y'know, unbalanced prioritisation? Having said that, I've also learnt to give some things up, like doing really, really shit in most of my schoolwork in order to prep for Oxford.

Ah, bad times. But, however much 2009 may have made me cry, it has also given me heaps to cry of joy about, so let's just put those bad times away for a while and give you my highlights. This is the year that I first got properly smashed (with my friend Malibu), that I went to my first proper (Underage Festival doesn't count) music festival, that I kick-started this blog, that I left my childhood behind, that I applied to university and thus got ready to leave behind the school bubble, that I (don't mock me) rediscovered the human being that is the boy and started to realise that he's not really all that, that I went to the Harry Potter 6 movie premiere, that I took my first step in the LGBT scene, that I published my first 'Nuntius' magazine as the Classics Magazine co-editor at my school, that I met David Tennant, that I discovered how amazing libraries actually are, that I made friends with some of the best people ever, that I finally saw Paramore and You Me At Six, that I stopped giving two fucks about what I look like on the dancefloor, that my friend EHC and I threw our banging 18th..

So not a big year, basically.

It's quite sad, leaving 2009 behind. I don't know how many New Year's Days have given me that feeling. I really learnt to enjoy life, learnt to turn that downward curve on my face into an upward one. And there's no way I could have done that without the people I call my friends. The new ones, the really old ones, the ones who turned from acquaintances to friends, the ones who had a good time with me, the ones who took some of my burdens and walked with me..

Anyway, kids, less talking about myself, more about you guys. Comment me your fave bits of 2009? You know, to leave 2009 with a smile. Quick, before 2010 crawls upon us. Leave it hereeeeee.



Mary said...

I'm with yer there, mate, about getting the worst school report everrrr. Trust me, mine was horrendous, it made me look really stupid... or rather, it showed how stupid i am -.- fhdjaald;kflsghfk;

Aaaanyhow, your 18th was def one good night, we should just become Alcoholics Anonymous or something. Woohoo.

My fave 2009 moment? Either getting straight As at my AS levels (i know, i'm such an effing nerrrrd) or my surprise 17th birthday which Mayu and Lauren organised in Feb.

Laaaav you, and HAPPY NEW (drunken) YEAR in advance. Jeez, this was one longass comment.

Ellie said...

You gotta listen to some Sigur Ros if you liked that first Coldplay shiz...cannae see the attraction to that kinda music, too boring for me :P Gotta admit though, VERY pretty.
Best thing all year was our bash, of course. Closely followed by the Daft Punk Shed Party!
All our library times we had...there's plenty of things we've done that were more fun, but it made a potentially wubbish thing into something bearable :)
There's plenty more, but I can't go listing the whole lot, duh :P
Let the New Year bring many more good times for all of us!