Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let me tell you a story...

An INCEPTION review in gifs-

On Tuesday evening, I went to the cinema with some friends. I hadn't been to the cinema since Avatar in February so I was partying like at the prospect.

Can you guess what film we were going to watch? Yep the one starring

No, wait, before you start worrying: there are no Inception spoilers in this post. Alright, you fools that have not yet watched Inception, you are safe, you may read this wonderful review and rejoice

So we were sitting in the screening, waiting for Inception to begin, watching the trailers. They were all Action film trailers, so I was like

Then a new trailer began, starting with a shot of the countryside, and I was still like

However I soon realised that this trailer was for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows so I was like

Anyway. So Inception began, and we saw LeoDiCap, but we were upset

over the fact that he had lost his youthful good looks.

The film really confused us in the beginning like
But we slowly began to follow what Nolan was telling us. And - thankfully - some hotties like

came onto the screen, so we were basically permanently perving at the screen
Oh sorry, let's get back to reviewing Inception. Well there was acting that made me Jear- oh sorry I mean tear up

There were some badass scenes with badass fighting

and a plot, sub-plots, and concept that really deserved some
There were moments when I had massive dawning realisations
and thought I'd gotten the hang of the film..

but then the film was like
'You ain't got nothin sista'....

There were a couple of predictable parts so I was like
and the ending of the film left me like
but overall, 'Inception' made me think
so I say 'Good job Nolan'
But what I'd really like to do is
hug Nolan to thank him for entertaining me and giving me things to scratch my brain about and blessing us with such a great, emotional, deep, clever film.

(Relevant gif)

Phwoar, that was harder than I expected. But in all seriousness, 'Inception' is a mindblowing film that deserves at least one cinema viewing from everybody. Resist at your own peril. It's like the second 'Dark Knight' though, everybody's banging on about it, soon there will be a tide of people calling it overrated. But 'Inception' is incredible. Go. Now.

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